Bylaws of the Sun City Hikers



Section A. The name of this organization shall be Sun City Hikers, hereinafter referred to as SCH.

Section B. The purpose of SCH is to provide opportunities to hike, enjoy time together and develop friendships. SCH respect and act as good stewards of the public lands they travel through. Please read and become familiar with the items in this document.

Section C. SCH is operated as a non-chartered, non-profit organization and shall be operated in accordance with the Sun City Hikers Policies.





Section A. Membership is open to any person 55 years of age and over living in Sun City and neighboring communities who meets the requirements as stated in the SCH Policies. 


Section B. Upon joining the SCH each member shall sign the Acknowledgment of Responsibility, Express Assumption of Risk, and Release of Liability (hereinafter referred to as Waiver of Liability) thereby releasing SCH members, its elected and appointed officers, and the appointed organizers and leaders of its activities from all liability for injuries, accidents and damages sustained in conjunction with those activities.

Section C. Guest privileges are specified in the SCH Policies. Guests must sign the Waiver of Liability before hiking.

Section D. Membership may be terminated by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the Board, for gross misconduct while attending club activities, or if a member’s physical or mental condition might seriously endanger him/her or others. If that member is also on the Board, a unanimous vote of the other members of that Board shall be required.

Section E. Annual dues are in an amount established by the Board. Timely payment of dues by each member shall be required for membership in good standing.




Section A. Qualifications and Authority of the Board. All members shall be members in good standing with the SCH. Board shall have overall governing authority over SCH consistent with the provisions of these Bylaws and shall authorize all committees necessary to carry out the purposes and objectives of the SCH. The Board may be assisted by the chairperson of such committees necessary to carry out the SCH’s function and purpose.

Section B. Board of Directors. There shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Hike Chairperson who serve as the elected members of the Board. The Membership Chairperson and Tech Team Representative shall serve as appointed members of the Board. These members are appointed by the President with the approval of the elected Board members. All named members of the Board are voting members. The immediate Past President may serve as a non-voting Board member.


1. Duties and Responsibilities
a. President:
The President shall preside over all SCH meetings and be accountable for the administration of SCH business and shall carry out the direction and policies established by the Board. In the event of a vacancy of an elected member of the Board, the President shall appoint, with Board approval, an interim replacement Board member until official elections are held.

b. Vice President:
The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or inability to perform and shall also perform other such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned, with Board approval, from time to time by the President. The Vice President shall review the Treasurer’s financial records annually in the spring, reporting the results to the membership at the annual spring business meeting, shall chair in the spring of every year a Policies Review Committee, and shall chair in the spring of odd numbered years a Bylaws Review Committee.

c. Secretary:
The Secretary shall keep the club records, issue notices of all meetings of the Board and General Membership meetings and shall keep minutes thereof. The Secretary shall process all correspondence relating to the SCH’s business.

d. Treasurer:
The Treasurer shall receive and deposit all monies due to SCH and pay all obligations that may be incurred by SCH in the regular course of its business. The Treasurer shall keep an up-to-date accounting of all financial transactions and provide financial reports as may be required at all meetings of the Board or General Membership.


e. Hike Chairperson:
The Hike Chairperson shall be responsible for developing and establishing a hiking program for SCH in coordination with hike coordinators; shall make an oral report at the general membership meetings; shall provide training opportunities for leaders.

f. Membership Chairperson:

The Membership Chairperson shall collect and process all membership applications, dues, and badge orders; shall transmit dues and badge fees to the SCH Treasurer for deposit; shall maintain the SCH roster.


g. Tech Team Representative:
Collectively the Tech Team members shall be responsible for all communication via email, website, and bulletin to SCH members.

h. Past President:
The Past President, if available, may serve in a consultation and advisory role.

2. Election: The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Hike Chairperson shall be elected by a quorum which is ten (10) percent of the paid-up membership at the time of the spring business meeting and shall serve without compensation. The President, Vice President, and Secretary are elected in even years and the Treasurer and Hike Chairperson are elected in odd years.

3. Term of Office: All elected members of the Board are elected for two-year terms and are limited to two consecutive terms in office to begin with induction at the annual spring business meeting in the election year and to end at that meeting two (2) years hence. All appointed members of the Board serve for two (2) year terms which may be extended by mutual agreement. These members are appointed by the President with the approval of the elected Board members. The Past President may serve for one (1) year.




Section A. The Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee by the end of December for the following election year. The Nominating Committee shall invite club members to submit the names of persons suitable for elective office. This Committee shall prepare a slate with at least one nominee for each office. That slate will be distributed to members no later than six weeks before the annual spring business meeting. All nominees must be surveyed as to their willingness to serve. No member of the Board of Directors shall serve on the Nominating Committee.



Section A. The annual business meeting will be held in the spring.

Section B. General meetings may be called by the Board or, in an emergency, by the President alone. A general meeting shall also be called if requested in writing by any ten (10) paid-up members of the SCH. Notice of any such meetings of which the business of SCH is conducted shall be provided to members via the Bulletin or email at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.

Section C. A quorum at the annual spring business meeting or any general meeting, at which business is conducted shall be ten (10) percent of the paid-up membership at the time of the meeting.




These Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority vote of those present at the annual spring business meeting, or any other general meeting, provided there is a quorum. The notification for the meeting shall contain the text of the proposed amendment(s), with a statement that they are to be voted upon.


Approved by the Membership on April 12, 2017
Amended on October 27, 2021
Amended on March 30, 2022

Amended on March 30, 2023

Signed by
Deb Frank

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SAFETY: S = SAFETY is our priority. A = You need to hike according to your ABILITY. F = You need to stay FOCUSED while hiking. E = Then you will have an ENJOYABLE hike.