Member Renewal Form
Membership dues are $8/year/person. SCH Badges are $6 each and are required on all hikes.
Tribute to Hiking
The former "Banquet" has been redesigned as a "mingle and graze" event. Follow the link on the left to learn more and to register.
Trail Tips
Trail Tips provide helpful information for all hikers. Past Tips are available at the link to the left in PDF format. Simply click on the link and select the Trail Tip of your interest.
Club T-Shirts
The window for ordering T-shirts has closed. Thank you to all who placed an order!
Club Roster and Club Officers
The Club Roster and Club Officers lists are password protected and only available to members by using the password provided to all Sun City Hikers.
Financials / Membership Meeting Minutes
The SCH fiscal end of year is April 30 of each year. The Financials along with the Meeting Minutes from the membership meetings held twice a year will be posted here in May. This section is password protected and only available to members by using the password provided to all Sun City Hikers. Simply click on the link to the left .